Real World Psychology

Unlocking potential

Privacy and Data Protection

Real World Psychology is committed to providing a fully confidential, private service. We are registered with the Information Commissioner's Office and are fully compliant with their recommended information management procedures.

Guide to Data Protection

The Data Protection Act 1984 was replaced on the 1 March 2000 by the Data Protection Act 1998 with transitional arrangements for existing processes until the 24 October 2001.
The Data Protection Act 1988 places a number of responsibilities upon people and organisations who use personal information, and gives rights to individuals to control the use of their personal data and to obtain a copy of it. In particular the Act sets out a number of principles, described below) that govern how information is obtained, stored, and disclosed.
Data must be (the Eight Principles):

* fairly and lawfully processed;
* only obtained for one or more specified lawful purposes, and processed only for those purposes;
* only held if it is relevant and not excessive for any particular purpose;
* must be accurate and kept up to date;
* not kept for longer than is necessary;
* processed in accordance with rights of data subjects for personnel data;
* secure and protected to prevent unlawful or unauthorised processing, accidental loss, destruction or damage;
* not transferred to countries outside EEA (European Economic Area) without adequate protection.

The most significant difference between the old and the new Acts is that the new Act is not restricted to information held on computer. It also covers information held in other media such as paper and microfiche.

Real World Psychology takes the privacy and security of its contact and client data seriously. This guide to data protection is to ensure that our clients and other contacts recorded are fully informed about the effect of the new legislation. It sets out the ways in which we handle information about you, and your rights in respect of that information.

What information do we hold and how do we obtain it?

Generally we receive information about you when you make an enquiry to Real World Psychology, apply for membership to the Real World Psychology website e-commerce, inform Real World Psychology of any changes to your personal information eg change of address, or make a purchase from Real World Psychology eg apply to participate in a workshop.

Your Rights

You have certain rights under the Act in relation to the information we hold about you. These rights are set out below:

access to personal data (subject access). You may request in writing to the contact address given below, details of the information we may hold about you, and the purpose(s) for which it is held. We will provide the information, in a permanent form, as at the time of the request, subject to any routine processing continuing between that time and the time of the response. Provision of such information will be subject to a charge (as permitted by the Act) currently £20 (cheque made payable to Real World Psychology). Your request will be met within 40 days of receiving the request or, if later, of receipt of the cheque and any supplementary information needed to establish your relationship with Real World Psychology or verify your identity.

The Data Information Commissioner
If you wish to know more about your rights in respect of protection of personal data you should write to the

Data Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Or telephone 01625 545700 (switchboard)


The Registrar: